Betekenis van:
word form

word form
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gedaante waaronder een woord naar de verbuiging of vervoeging kan optreden
  • the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something




word form
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • woordvorm
  • the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something





  1. Is this a different word or just another form of the same word?
  2. Example: to express direction, we add "n" to the end of a word; so "tie" (= in that place), "tien" (= to that place); in the same way we say "la birdo flugis en la ĝardenon, sur la tablon", and the words "ĝardenon" and "tablon" have here the accusative form not because the preposition "en" and "sur" need it, but because we want to express direction, that is to show that the bird at the beginning wasn't in the garden or on the table and so it was flying, but that from another place it flew to the garden or on the table (we want to show that the garden and the table weren't the place of the flight, but the destination of the flight). In those cases we use the final "n" regardless of the fact that there's a preposition or not.
  3. The name ‘Aceto Balsamico di Modena’ may not be qualified in any way, even in numerical form, other than by those adjectives expressly provided for in this specification, including ‘extra’, ‘fine’, ‘scelto’, ‘selezionato’, ‘riserva’, ‘superiore’, ‘classico’ or similar. Only the word ‘invecchiato’ (aged) without any further additions may also appear, provided that the product is aged for a period of three years or more in casks, barrels or other wooden receptacles.
  4. ‘profit forecast’ means a form of words which expressly states or by implication indicates a figure or a minimum or maximum figure for the likely level of profits or losses for the current financial period and/or financial periods subsequent to that period, or contains data from which a calculation of such a figure for future profits or losses may be made, even if no particular figure is mentioned and the word ‘profit’ is not used.